Life in sunny California

The Cheap Campers have been official Californians for over one full year! Phil has returned to weekend warrior status, so let's look forward to more frequent travel blog updates!

We will continue to document our travels across the Western Hemisphere!

Stephanie and Phil's Travel Blog

Hi! We are Phil and Stephanie and we backpack and hike all throughout the world. Below are short updates of our recent adventures and how we managed to do them while living on a shoestring. Scroll to the bottom for a slideshow of our travel photos.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Au Revoir France

Wow- we spent 28 days in France. Mostly because my Mom lives there and was able to let us hang out and recuperate—Thank god! Travel is e-x-h-a-u-s-t-i-n-g. Even the days when we aren’t actively site-seeing or in transition leave us worn out, just from being somewhere where there’s no English or familiarity. Day after day of not knowing what the immediate future holds is really tiring. So, before setting off on a quick commuter flight to Germany, we are at T minus 8 days until we return to the NW.

We’ve been overseas for so long! We left in the depths of Winter and now all the signs of Spring are here. I left behind my Winter coat in Provence and am getting ready to unravel my shorts as we head north.
Both of us have lost a combined 25 lbs! We still tower over most Europeans, but we’re told that won’t be the case up in Germany and Holland. Speaking of Europe, I must hand it to the Europeans for being honorary Cheap Campers! The people here know how to conserve, be frugal, and stay slim.

Little French Breakfast
April 25

Cars are small and gas sipping, recycling is just assumed, and almost no store grocery store we’ve gone to in the whole EU provides bags, paper or plastic. The serving portions are small, and conspicuous consumption seems practically non-existent compared to capitalism-fueled America (though that’s not the case right now in the recession).  Europeans certainly have the Cheap part down, but they could use a tip or two on the camping part… We have yet to come across a campfire or toasting marshmallows… but who knows… perhaps if we had stayed here longer we could have shared the true American cheap camper ways!

Saint Michel beighborhood of Paris
April 26

There was a weird man ranting just out of screen shot....the strange part was that he was jabbering on in English!

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