After a lovely 3-day rural escape to Galway and the Aran Islands, we are now back in Dublin for a couple nights. The Aran Islands were absolutely amazing--- BIG thanks to Tim Strauhal for the travel tip. We paid for our lovely side trip with a night spent in a very cold and unfriendly bus station to recoup the money spent on the ferry trip out to the islands, but it was so worth it. It was our first escape from the big cities since landing across the pond and it was also our first true cheap camper excursion. Yes sir, we belong out in nature. It was so peaceful and pure--- a perfect break from the rush of these big euro-cities.
Now we're back to finish exploring Dublin. I gotta say, we are not enjoying Dublin as much as other cities we've been to. The best big city so far is definitely Edinburgh. Dublin is a rather gritty urban city. But we are here until Wednesday which is when we catch the plane to ROME so we are gonna make the best of it. Mostly by catching up on the sleep we missed out on last night.
Dublin's Giant Spike
This huge spike in the middle of the city is just so weird. It's ginormous-- way taller than any of the buildings. And all it is is big giant spike. WTF, Dublin???
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