Life in sunny California

The Cheap Campers have been official Californians for over one full year! Phil has returned to weekend warrior status, so let's look forward to more frequent travel blog updates!

We will continue to document our travels across the Western Hemisphere!

Stephanie and Phil's Travel Blog

Hi! We are Phil and Stephanie and we backpack and hike all throughout the world. Below are short updates of our recent adventures and how we managed to do them while living on a shoestring. Scroll to the bottom for a slideshow of our travel photos.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ghost Tour

The last thing we did on our awesome day in Edinburgh was go on a free Ghost Tour hosted by this guy. He was great! He took around the Royal Mile, and performed various stories about murderers and thieves getting hanged and such. He had a super thick awesomely authentic Scottish accent too. Loved it!


  1. Hey guys!!! Finally getting caught up reading about your adventures...looks like you're having a great time! It sure beats sitting around Toronto waiting for spring to arrive! Enjoy!!!

  2. Hi Stephanie and Phil, Your travels sound more exciting and fun everyday! Dad and I enjoy your pictures and especially your travel journal-ing. You have a great way with words, Stephanie. Hope you continue to enjoy great experiences and meet interesting people. Love you guys, God bless. mom
