Life in sunny California

The Cheap Campers have been official Californians for over one full year! Phil has returned to weekend warrior status, so let's look forward to more frequent travel blog updates!

We will continue to document our travels across the Western Hemisphere!

Stephanie and Phil's Travel Blog

Hi! We are Phil and Stephanie and we backpack and hike all throughout the world. Below are short updates of our recent adventures and how we managed to do them while living on a shoestring. Scroll to the bottom for a slideshow of our travel photos.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Paris Home Base = Louvre

If you ever go to Paris and don’t have a hotel to stay in you can store your luggage for free at the Louvre. They say it’s for museum guests but you don’t need to pay admission to access the luggage storage area and no one asks for a ticket. Ended up saving us about 30 euros!
The Louvre Art Museum
Paris, France
April 24

The Louvre was our first stop and only our splurge in Paris. It is HUGE! Huge, upon huge. We spent about 6 hours there and still did not see all 300,000 pieces of art.
Louvre Art Museum Entrance
April 24

The infamous glass pyramids over the entrance weren't as ugly as I thought they'd be. We were very lucky that we didnt' have to wait in a long line too.

Giant Art in the giant Louvre
April 24
Throughout the Louvre were actual artists painting copies of famous art. Really neat-o.

View of the Eiffel Tower from the Louvre
April 24

We made sure to see the famous ladies of the Louvre.
Mona Lisa
April 24
I've heard from so many people that the Mona Lisa is way smaller than they'd pictured. This led me to believe that the thing was tiny. As it turns out, it was bigger than I thought, Ha!

Us in front of the Mona Lisa
April 24

The museum is way more lax on picture taking than any of the ones in Italy and the UK. It was really cool seeing actual artists painting there too. It wasn’t too crowded, luckily, and we definitely saw Americans here than anywhere else on our trip.

Venus de Milo
April 24

The Venus de Milo was completed around 100 BC by an unknown artist. She is nearly as tall as Phil! 

The "Poovre"
April 24

There you have it. Louvre = amazing. 

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