Life in sunny California

The Cheap Campers have been official Californians for over one full year! Phil has returned to weekend warrior status, so let's look forward to more frequent travel blog updates!

We will continue to document our travels across the Western Hemisphere!

Stephanie and Phil's Travel Blog

Hi! We are Phil and Stephanie and we backpack and hike all throughout the world. Below are short updates of our recent adventures and how we managed to do them while living on a shoestring. Scroll to the bottom for a slideshow of our travel photos.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Phil's 28th Birthday and other French Stuff

Happy Birthday Phil!
March 30, 2010

This is Phil holding his 'birthday cake' and looking all handsome, tan, and 28. I could not find frosting, icing or birthday candles anywhere in Provence so this is a French fondue cake (or something like that) with butter used as icing (it's says Phil 28, in case you were wondering) cooked in a very confusing French oven. The dinner remnants beside him are a broiled steak, or what SHOULD have been a broiled steak but turned out more like beef jerky.... umm... I did my best Babe! He was a good sport. Besides, how can you mess up a birthday dinner when it is served in a beautiful villa in the south of f-ing France?? (By not knowing how to use the stove). 

"David" Apron
March 30, 2010

One of my gifts to Phil. That's right, it's an apron with David on it. My mom came over to celebrate with us and we all sat around drinking red wine from the village we stayed in last summer when we visited Provence. 'Pierrevert Vin Rouge' comes in a 5-liter box for 15 euros and is our main beverage while enjoying the south of France. Anna's house is wonderfully peaceful and quiet, if you don't mind hearing the backyard donkey braying now and then.

Valentine, the neighbor's Donkey
March 29, 2010

There are also 3 cats here to take care of. Other than feeding the donkey some table scraps and taking care of the cats, we have been just kicking back and living the good life.

View from the Back Yard
March 31, 2010

The weather so far was rather rainy and cloudy but today to sun came out, so we are going to go enjoy it. 

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